Arts and Culture
The Show Must
Go On!
Downtown Port Huron is your destination for music and entertainment, as more than 100 live music performances will take place at a number of venues in the city.
Theatrical performances, art shows and free admission to a number of local museums all provide “something for everyone.”
Port Huron recently created its own “Theatre District” complete with three live-performance theatres within a three block radius.
All theatres offer a wide range of performances both theatrical and musical that will delight those both young and young at heart.
There is also an extremely active visual arts community in Port Huron, with a number of galleries and museums that feature local artists and their work.
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The Citadel Theatre/Enter Stage Right is a traditional “black box” theatre that gets the audience “up close and personal” with the performers. Check their website for shows and show times.
The McMorran Place Theatre is the home of the Port Huron Civic Theatre, which puts on numerous community productions throughout the year, and also the International Symphony Orchestra. McMorran is also host to numerous pop, country and contemporary concert performances in the theatre, as well. Check the McMorran Place website for shows and show times.
The St. Clair County Community College Theatre puts on a number of student theatrical performances throughout the year, as well as musical concerts from local and visiting artists. Check the SC4 website for shows and show times.
Look and Listen
Antiques & Art For art lovers and antique hunters, there are a variety of artisan outlets to explore. Sip coffee while viewing a rotating gallery. Browse new and antique curated stations or wander through a vast and exceptional collection of historical items.